Monday, September 22, 2008

Bailout Blues

"Play it again Sam." And again. And again. And again. And again. The piano player gets a little tired, okay, really tired, of playing the same song over and over again. Such is the life of a staff assistant on Capitol Hill on the eve of financial meltdown. Theme song: "Eve of Destruction." The panic button was pushed followed closely by a sounding trumpet and a resounding, "Release the Hounds!" Trying to answer four phone calls from angry constituents at the same time is similar to fending off a pack of staffer-eating wolves. Think "Call of the Wild" meets "9 to 5." After they've nawed on you for a while, their hunger seems somewhat appeased and they abandon your bloody caurcus for the next caller to snack on. Granted, their response is warranted and their attacks are never personal. However, a consistent eight hours of pissy voters leaves this Capitol Cowgirl with a nasty case of the bailout blues.


Aimee said...

Amber! I'm so excited that you're blogging! You're a most excellent writer. My blog is Yes, we can be blogging buddies!

SarahC said...

Suddenly ... tweaking verbs and commas isn't such a bad life. I think I'll go home, read the AP stylebook and think how lucky I am that I usually don't have to deal with the general public.